
Real-time Neural Radiance Fields in pure Julia.


  • Julia 1.9 or above.
  • AMD or Nvidia GPU (check AMDGPU.jl or CUDA.jl for respective device support).
  • At least 4-6 GB of VRAM.

GPU backend

Use Nerf.set_backend!(name) to specify which GPU backend to use, which takes a String with backend name:

  • AMD GPU: Nerf.set_backend!("AMDGPU");
  • Nvidia: Nerf.set_backend!("CUDA").

And then restart your Julia session if returns true.

Alternatively, if you cloned Nerf.jl repo, you can create LocalPreferences.toml file and specify backend in it with:

backend = "AMDGPU" # or "CUDA"

Quickstart (NerfGUI.jl)

For standalone application check NerfGUI.jl package, which provides OpenGL application for real-time interaction.

  1. Clone git clone
  2. Start Julia repl julia --project=. --threads=auto.
  3. Instantiate project with ]up command.
  4. Select GPU backend as described above.
  5. Launch application:
julia> using NerfGUI

julia> NerfGUI.main()


  1. Instant Neural Graphics Primitives with a Multiresolution Hash Encoding: