Loading COLMAP dataset
GaussianSplatting.jl supports datasets in binary COLMAP format. To load it, you specify which GPU backend to use and a path to the dataset root directory.
import GaussianSplatting as GPS
kab = GSP.gpu_backend()
dataset_path = "<path-to-colmap-dataset>"
dataset = GSP.ColmapDataset(kab, dataset_path;
scale=4, train_test_split=0.9, permute=true)
scale::Int = 1
controls the scale of images to load (usually between1
).train_test_split::Real = 0.8
train/test ratio split. E.g.0.8
will select80%
of the data for training and20%
for testing.permute::Bool = true
whether to shuffle data in a random order.
Dataset directory should have the following structure:
- sparse/0/cameras.bin
- sparse/0/images.bin
- sparse/0/points3D.bin
- images/
Additionally, if setting scale > 1
, following directories should exist:
- images_<scale>/
Initializing Gaussians from dataset
Once you load the dataset, you can initialize Gaussian model from it by providing an array of points
(means), their colors
and scales
gaussians = GSP.GaussianModel(
dataset.points, dataset.colors, dataset.scales;
max_sh_degree::Int = 3
set the maximum allowed spherical-harmonics degree. For a given degreed
, each gaussian will have(d + 1)^2
color features. Set0
to disable it. This will be used by during training to limit current spherical-harmonics degree.
Rendering Gaussians
To render Gaussians, we first need to initialize rasterizer on the given GPU backend:
kab = GSP.gpu_backend()
rasterizer = GSP.GaussianRasterizer(kab; width=1280, height=720, mode=:rgb)
control the rendering resolution of the rasterizer.mode::Symbol = :rgb
set the rendering mode. Either:rgb
(RGB + depth) is supported for now.
Once constructed, we can rasterize gaussians onto the image plane given camera
that determines the position from which to render:
image_features = rasterizer(
gaussians.points, gaussians.opacities, gaussians.scales,
gaussians.rotations, gaussians.features_dc, gaussians.features_rest;
camera, gaussians.sh_degree)
Depending on the mode
, image_features
will be either in 3xWxH
shape (:rgb
mode) or in 4xWxH
We can save it to disk (first transferring it from GPU to host):
using FileIO, ImageIO
host_image_features = Array(image_features)
save("image.png", GSP.to_image(@view(host_image_features[1:3, :, :])))
If the rasterizer is in :rgbd
mode, we can also save the resulting depth map:
if rasterizer.mode == :rgbd
depth_image = permutedims(@view(host_image_features[4, :, :]), (2, 1))
depth_image ./= 50f0 # maximum(depth_image)
save("depth.png", colorview(Gray, depth_image))
Example of rendering gaussians (bicycle dataset after 400 training steps):
RGB | Depth |
Training Gaussians
GaussianSplatting.jl implements a Trainer
that handles training routines such as loss computation, gradient update, model densification/pruning.
To construct a trainer pass:
that you want to train,rasterizer::GaussianRasterizer
which it will use for rendering,dataset::ColmapDataset
on which to train,opt_params::OptimizationParams
that control learning rate (and its decay), densification and SSIM loss weighting.
opt_params = GSP.OptimizationParams() # Use default parameters.
trainer = GSP.Trainer(rasterizer, gaussians, dataset, opt_params)
To perform a single optimization step, just call step!
on a trainer.
loss = step!(trainer)
If the dataset contains test data (e.g. train_test_split < 1
), you can call validate
to obtain validation metrics (SSIM, MSE, PSNR) accross test data:
(; eval_ssim, eval_mse, eval_psnr) = validate(trainer)